
Showing posts from November, 2019


                                          I AM FED UP OF NEGATIVITY Being in a negative state for so long finally i am done with it.I quiet  to stay in a negative state. I started saying yes to every situation where i used get scared about unknown things. I made my mind understand that its my choice to stay positive or negative. I had loose lot of things by staying in a negative state. I got irritation,health issue,fights at home was bonus to me by negativity. My friends,family and people stopped talking to me,everyone felt i was a bad person but no one knew what i was facing deep inside, it was just getting worst day by day i had to fix my problems. one day i sat and calm my mind and started thinking about why i need to go from all this choas  in my life.   Finally i made my mind to always staying in a positive state and decided to stay away from negative situation and negative people because they were diverting my mindset. I started staying in a positive


Negativity is a bad feeling.It is like a demon which gives you irritation, frustration,anxiety and the list goes on. When a person is in a negative state his or her body language changes completely,one can also face problem like sadness. Negativity can destroy your life,it is like mental illness. So to avoid negativity one can practice meditation which makes your mind and body calm, Avoid indulging in watching meaning less tv serials and news which shows argument and fights. keep yourself engaged in activities,listen to soothing music to calm your mind. Find a corner sit down and find  peace for your mind , take a walk in nature and most important share your problems and ask for help.This are few tips and why you should not be in negative state.


Health is very important for every individual.Healthy means how accurately ones body  works without any illness. when we talk about health nutrition and exercise are two essential factor which are  responsible for a great healthy body. An unfit body is always in danger of getting killer disease such as diabetes,hypertension, heart related disease,stress,poor functioning of digestive system etc. Its very important to look good as we represent self in our business and offices as well for that a healthy body and mind is very essential. staying fit is a feeling that how strong and happy we feel. To acquire a healthy body and mind eating clean diet(no junk food) and exercising on  regular basis is must. HEALTH IS WEALTH To enjoy the amenities of ones wealth it is must to have a great health otherwise the  wealth is of no use. so stay strong by exercising,stay happy by practicing meditation,stay healthy by eating  right diet.


                                POSITIVE ENERGY Positivity is a state of mind,positive energy changes the way you look at  different things and difficulties,when a person is in a positive state he/she is happy and healthy. Being in a positive attitude one can take action and reach the desire goals. A person with positive attitude always spreads good vibes,you will see lot of successful people have a positive mental attitude. The benefits of positive thinking are it reduces mental stress,one can take proper decision in her or his life and always stays confident,always use  positive words when you talk to someone,we can also use positive affirmation  in our life. There are many books which will help you practice positivity  in ones life such as the book named "The secret". so start each day of yours with positive thought.